Actors and dancers from the Russian National Academic Drama Theatre and musicans from Hexagon Ensemble after the performance The Blizzard, Ufa December 2017.

History: Netherlands – Bashkortostan

In 1813 Bashkir regiments joined the Russian army to defeat Napoleon in Europe. As part of that campaign, the regiments entered the Netherlands. They went along the IJssel river, Harderwijk and finally liberated Amsterdam as well as the rest of the country.

A commemoration of this military victory was held in 2013 in the Netherlands. In March 2014 the Dutch Hexagon Ensemble was invited by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic Bashkortostan for a performance in its capital Ufa. In July 2014 a delegation of artists and art teachers from Ufa went to Amsterdam and visited the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum, the Stadsschouwburg and Museum Geelvinck Hinlopen.

In 2015 the Russian Academic Drama Theatre, the Hexagon Ensemble and Art connects People coproduced ‘The yellow sun of Van Gogh’. Additionally, a play about the life of Anne Frank was directed by Mikhail Rabinovich. Other exhibitions and concerts were also part of the program of the ‘Ufa Arts Festival 2015’.

International co-productions

The ‘Ufa Arts Festival 2017’ is connected to the ‘Bashkortostan – Netherlands Festival 2018’.  The festival in the Netherland will take place from 9-14 January 2018 and includes the unveiling of two monuments by the Russian artist Alexander Taratynov along the IJssel river and performances of Pushkin’s story ‘The Blizzard’.

With these festivals the historic friendship between Bashkortostan and the Netherlands will be officially established.

Alexandr Pushkin, writer of The Blizzard

Performance The Blizzard, Ufa November 2017

Mikhail Rabinovich – stage director of The Blizzard and The Scarlet Flower

Daria van den Bercken in Amsterdam

National Symphony Orchestra of Bashkortostan

Raushan Yakupov, chief conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra of Bashkortostan

Shikhan Mountain In Bashkortostan

Winter in Muiden






11 January

20.15-13.45: Round Table Conference: 1813 Liberation of the Netherlands from Napoleon

14.45 Unveiling monuments in Veessen

16.00 Performance The Blizzard and performance Faisi Gaskarov Ensemble | Cultural Centre De Heerd, Heerde

12 January

Meetings delegation Bashkortostan NL- institutions | Ede, Wageningen, Arnhem

19.30 Introduction to performance Faisi Gaskarov Ensemble

20.15 Performance The Blizzard | Meet and greet | Toast to the New Year | Cultura Ede, Ede

13 January

19.00 Reception in the Kazerne for residents of the city of Muiden, the mayor and city counsel members, intermezzo performance Faisi Gaskarov Ensemble

20.00 Performance The Blizzard | Meet and greet and performance Faisi Gaskarov Ensemble and Bashjir singers | Toast to the New Year | Grote Kerk, Muiden


Russian National Academic Drama Theatre | House of Friendship of the Republic Basjkortostan | Hexagon Ensemble | Muziek Museum Geelvinck | Cities of: Heerde, Olst-Wijhe, Gemeente Gooise Meren | Cultura Ede | Stadsraad Muiden

Funds and sponsors

Wilhelmina E. Jansen Fonds | Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds – Noord Holland | Barenburg | Pishka


by Georgy Sviridov | The Blizzard


Ufa Arts Festival 2017


22 November

Masterclasses Music Academy

23 November

Premiere The Scarlet Flower

Round Table Conference: Gender Equality – education and arts

24 November

Premiere The Blizzard

25 November

Performance The Scarlet Flower

Performance The Imagination

26 November

Concert I have met you

Performance The Blizzard

27 November

Masterclasses piano Music Academy

Recital Daria van den Bercken

28 November

Workshop Bashkortostan Independent State Institution of PPE

Round Table Conferec: Gender Equality – education and arts

30 November

Concert Daria van den Bercken with the National Symphony Orchestra


Hexagon Ensemble | Russian National Academic Drama Theatre | National Symphony Orchestra | Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theatre | Bashkir State Philharmonic Hall n.a. Khusain Akhmetov | State Concert Hall Bashkortostan | Ufa State Institute of Arts n.a. Zagir Ismagilov | Republican Art Gymnasium n.a. K.A. Davletkildeev | Independent Institute of Post Profesional Education | Bashkortostan Institute for Specialized Therapy | House of Friendship of the Republic Bashkortostan

Funds and sponsors

Wilhelmina E. Jansen Fonds | Performing Arts Fund NL | Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Moscow | Barenburg | Pishka

Mr. Rustem Khamitov, head of the Republic Bashkortostan, and Mrs. Amina Shafikova, Minister of Culture and Mrs. Valentina Latipova, Deputy Minister of Culture, will be present at the unveiling of the monuments and opening of the festival.

PROMO VIDEO The Blizzard, performance in Ufa, November 2017

Cast from The Blizzard, UFA November 2017

Sergey Aksakov, writer of The Scarlet Flower

The Scarlet Flower

Sergey Aksakov Museum in Ufa

Painting by a student of the Art Gymnasium for ‘The Imagination’

Painting by a student ‘The market of Limoges’ for ‘The Imagination’

Students and teacher from the Art Gymnasium in Ufa

Uit de film The Blizzard, regisseur Vladimir Basov 1964

Film The Scarlet Flower uit 1952 van Lev Atamanov

Hexagon in Moskou (Glinka museum)

Acteurs, dansers en musici van de productie ‘Yellow Sun’

Terugblik op

Ufa Arts Festival 2015

In december 2015 werd in in samenwerking met het Hexagon Ensemble en diverse Russische partners het ‘Ufa Arts Festival 2015’ gepresenteerd. Een 5-daags festival in Ufa, hoofdstad van de Republiek Basjkortostan binnen de Russische Federatie. Centraal in de programmering stonden Vincent van Gogh en Anne Frank. Muziektheater, concerten, exposities, inleidingen op diverse lokaties in Ufa. Acteurs en dansers van het Russian State Academic Drama Theatre en de musici van het Hexagon Ensemble traden samen op in ‘Yellow Sun’, een voorstelling over het leven van Vincent van Gogh.Tevens vond de première plaats van een nieuwe theatervoorstelling over het leven van Anne Frank. Beide producties werden geregisseerd door Mikhail Rabinovich, directeur van het theater.

Hexagon Ensemble in Bashkortostan

Anne Frank productie – Ufa Arts Festival 2015 Russian State Academic Drama Theatre of Bashkortostan | Mikhail Rabinovich – regisseur

Video verslagen 2014 en 2015

Videoverslagen van de tournees van het Hexagon Ensemble naar Moskou en Basjkortostan in maart 2014 (links) en december 2015 (rechts)

Hexagon in Moskou (Glinka museum)

Hexagon in Moskou (Glinka museum)